Friday, 27 January 2012

Warpcon tomorrow. Board the landers men for tonight we dine in the car!! (On the way down)

So Warpcon starts tomorrow and I'm heading down with Rowan 'Reroller' Sherridan, hes kindly offered to drive because my car is about as practical as paper underpants during wetting yourself... (Thanks Rowan). Looking forward to this and as soon as Rowan reads this no doubt he'll begin to regret it.

Rowan eating breakfast again... totally not the same picture as before.
 So after much hassle and pondering I went with the following list.

1850 Pts - Imperial Guard Roster

HQ: Company Command Squad (8#, 240 pts)
   4 Company Command Squad, 85 pts = 4 * 6 (base cost 6) + Camo Cloak 20 + Regimental Standard 15 + Colonel 'Iron Hand' Straken 121
      1 Colonel 'Iron Hand' Straken, 95 pts
      1 Astropath, 30 pts
      1 Bodyguard, 15 pts
      1 Bodyguard, 15 pts

Troops: Infantry Platoon (47#, 530 pts)
   1 Infantry Platoon, 0 pts
      4 Platoon Command Squad, 54 pts = 4 * 6 (base cost 6) + Meltagun x3 30
         1 Platoon Commander, 6 pts
      7 Infantry Squad, 45 pts = 7 * 5 (base cost 5) + Meltagun x1 10
         1 Heavy Weapons Team, 30 pts = (base cost 10 + Lascannon 20)
         1 Commissar, 45 pts = (base cost 35 + Power Weapon 10)
         1 Sergeant, 20 pts = (base cost 5 + Melta Bombs 5 + Power Weapon 10)
      7 Infantry Squad, 45 pts = 7 * 5 (base cost 5) + Meltagun x1 10
         1 Heavy Weapons Team, 30 pts = (base cost 10 + Lascannon 20)
         1 Commissar, 45 pts = (base cost 35 + Power Weapon 10)
         1 Sergeant, 20 pts = (base cost 5 + Melta Bombs 5 + Power Weapon 10)
      7 Infantry Squad, 45 pts = 7 * 5 (base cost 5) + Meltagun x1 10
         1 Heavy Weapons Team, 30 pts = (base cost 10 + Lascannon 20)
         1 Sergeant, 20 pts = (base cost 5 + Melta Bombs 5 + Power Weapon 10)
      7 Infantry Squad, 45 pts = 7 * 5 (base cost 5) + Meltagun x1 10
         1 Heavy Weapons Team, 30 pts = (base cost 10 + Lascannon 20)
         1 Sergeant, 20 pts = (base cost 5 + Melta Bombs 5 + Power Weapon 10)

Troops: Infantry Platoon (47#, 530 pts)
   1 Infantry Platoon, 0 pts
      4 Platoon Command Squad, 54 pts = 4 * 6 (base cost 6) + Meltagun x3 30
         1 Platoon Commander, 6 pts
      7 Infantry Squad, 45 pts = 7 * 5 (base cost 5) + Meltagun x1 10
         1 Heavy Weapons Team, 30 pts = (base cost 10 + Lascannon 20)
         1 Commissar, 45 pts = (base cost 35 + Power Weapon 10)
         1 Sergeant, 20 pts = (base cost 5 + Melta Bombs 5 + Power Weapon 10)
      7 Infantry Squad, 45 pts = 7 * 5 (base cost 5) + Meltagun x1 10
         1 Heavy Weapons Team, 30 pts = (base cost 10 + Lascannon 20)
         1 Commissar, 45 pts = (base cost 35 + Power Weapon 10)
         1 Sergeant, 20 pts = (base cost 5 + Melta Bombs 5 + Power Weapon 10)
      7 Infantry Squad, 45 pts = 7 * 5 (base cost 5) + Meltagun x1 10
         1 Heavy Weapons Team, 30 pts = (base cost 10 + Lascannon 20)
         1 Sergeant, 20 pts = (base cost 5 + Melta Bombs 5 + Power Weapon 10)
      7 Infantry Squad, 45 pts = 7 * 5 (base cost 5) + Meltagun x1 10
         1 Heavy Weapons Team, 30 pts = (base cost 10 + Lascannon 20)
         1 Sergeant, 20 pts = (base cost 5 + Melta Bombs 5 + Power Weapon 10)

Troops: Infantry Platoon (52#, 550 pts)
   1 Infantry Platoon, 0 pts
      4 Platoon Command Squad, 70 pts = 4 * 6 (base cost 6) + Meltagun x4 40 + Captain Al'rahem 76
         1 Captain Al'rahem, 70 pts
      9 Infantry Squad, 55 pts = 9 * 5 (base cost 5) + Meltagun x1 10
         1 Commissar, 45 pts = (base cost 35 + Power Weapon 10)
         1 Sergeant, 20 pts = (base cost 5 + Melta Bombs 5 + Power Weapon 10)
      9 Infantry Squad, 55 pts = 9 * 5 (base cost 5) + Meltagun x1 10
         1 Sergeant, 20 pts = (base cost 5 + Melta Bombs 5 + Power Weapon 10)
      9 Infantry Squad, 55 pts = 9 * 5 (base cost 5) + Meltagun x1 10
         1 Sergeant, 20 pts = (base cost 5 + Melta Bombs 5 + Power Weapon 10)
      9 Infantry Squad, 55 pts = 9 * 5 (base cost 5) + Meltagun x1 10
         1 Sergeant, 20 pts = (base cost 5 + Melta Bombs 5 + Power Weapon 10)
      6 Special Weapons Squad, 60 pts = 6 * 5 (base cost 5) + Meltagun x3 30

So... what’s my general opinion? well I'm not as happy with this list as the 1750 version, I did a partial take back and rebuild removing Meltaguns from Straken's squad to give him some bodyguards, but I'm still without a medic which I think might hurt. FNP on this squad with their camo cloaks would really be helpful, especially since their all now running Laspistol / CCW. Though I still have the banner. Score 1 wound extra to me *smug face*.

The two blobs which start on the table got given an extra Commissar which all came about form a comment from Welshman on an earlier article, and I liked the idea he proposed of the second commissar allowing me to break down the blob more so I can run 2x twenty man blobs in objectives if I feel the need or vs. small msu armies with loads of anti tank guns since it will allow me more units to target with hopefully netting me more kills.

It also means in big blobs I have even more power weapon attacks and can be safe if the enemy has a method of removing certain models, like Jaws or a Vindicare.

Thought he list still feels unrefined... I think I should have left out the extra commissars and ran the same 1750 list and added a medic, 2 bodyguards (60 points total so far) and given one squad in each blob krak nades just to help lessen the weight on the shoulders of the melta bombs, finally giving both PCS's krak nades for just in case measures.

I'll be taking pics and battle reports like at Arkham, so let’s hope the boys do me proud as there are 58 players on the list so far... so finishing in the top 20 means good points and if I can get a top 10 I’ll be more than happy with my performance.

1 comment:

  1. Why must you always photograph me when im eating breakfast?!
