Thursday, 27 October 2011

Blob Guard, the untinned meat

Firstly welcome to the blog.

I'm going to use this Blog to document the progression and tactics etc employed when using a 'Blob' guard list and continue through evolutions of the lists and my findings.

I'm not a newcomer to guard, having used mechanised guard as one of my main armies for years alongside marines of various chapters (Favourite being the codex boys) and have decided to try out the less seen infantry horde, or as its dubbed online, ‘Blob’ guard after coming across a very nice site, which is where I got my inspiration for making this army.


I tried out my first list last night Vs a Draigo paladin army (The usual 10 man squad with all the wound allocation trimmings) including some psyfleman dreads and inquisitor Karamazov to add some nice wounds to the squad as well as his Multimelta and a single paladin as the other troops choice.

My first Blob guard list being:

CCS, Colonel ‘Iron Hand’ Straken, Lascannon, Astropath, 1 melta, banner.


Platoon 1:
PCS, 2 meltas, 2 grunts
IS1, meltagun, autocannon team, Sgt with MB and PW, commissar with PW.
IS2, meltagun, autocannon team, Sgt with MB and PW.
IS3, meltagun, autocannon team, Sgt with MB and PW.

Platoon 2:
PCS, 2 meltas, 2 grunts
IS1, meltagun, autocannon team, Sgt with MB and PW, commissar with PW.
IS2, meltagun, autocannon team, Sgt with MB and PW.
IS3, meltagun, autocannon team, Sgt with MB and PW.

Platoon 3:
PCS, 2 meltas, 2 grunts
IS1, meltagun, autocannon team, Sgt with MB and PW, commissar with PW.
IS2, meltagun, autocannon team, Sgt with MB and PW.
IS3, meltagun, autocannon team, Sgt with MB and PW.

Platoon 4:
PCS, 4 meltas, Captain Al’Rahem.
IS1, meltagun, Sgt with MB and PW, commissar with PW.
IS2, meltagun, Sgt with MB and PW.
IS3, meltagun, Sgt with MB and PW.
SWS: 3 melta

This List is based on lists seen on the Foleran site, but I’ve not taken the heavy weapon teams like he has to keep Kill points down, and my reason was to keep the heavy weapons hidden in blob squads so that If I was facing a light mech list in kill points I could shoot down the razorbacks, hide in terrain making him either come to me, and if he did then mob him with meltas and power weapons, or sit back and have to thin down bodies.

In Capture and control I have the out flanking masses and the ability to send two to three blobs towards the enemy army while the command squads sit back out of sight on my home objective.

Seize ground would mean basically walking my men onto objectives and then mass firing the enemy, or if they like close combat, thinning the ranks with my autocannons and then cleaning up.

Sadly my first opponent had no such light options.

Using ETC missions (A primary mission and a secondary mission) as the upcoming tournament in November (26/27th) is using them, and I want more practise runs to cement the missions in my head we rolled number 2.

Mission 2
Deployment: Dawn of War. See page 93 in the rulebook.
Primary objective: Capture & control. See page 91 in the rulebook.
Secondary objective: Seize Ground (4 counters). See page 91 in the rulebook.
Positioning the objectives: Each player will each place 2 objectives, of which only two will count
for 'Capture & Control' while all will count for 'Seize Ground'. Dice-off determines who places a single counter that will count for 'Seize Ground' first. After both players have placed their counter (at least 12" apart and from board edges), proceed to dice-off who will deploy first and normally start the game. The player that wins this dice-off places his 'Capture & Control" counter anywhere within 6" of his long board edge and deploys his army, after which the other player does the same. Both 'Capture & Control' counters also count for the 'Seize Ground' objective.


With him deploying his obj in the middle and mine going to my left I won the roll for going first and deployed 2 blobs and my HQ from the middle of the board towards the left in behind some ruins and in woods.

He deployed his paladins directly opposite with Draigo attached and the rest walking on turn 1.

I’ll not bore you with all the details, but I managed very little damage even with FRFSRF and autocannons, most being saved by either the armour or FNP.

Straken sadly died to massed dreadnought autocannon fire, but looking properly at his stats I realised hes a 3+ not the usual 4+ or 5+ and so he should have lived for another turn... read the rules properly James in future...

Turn 3 saw my outflanking blob arrive where I wanted it and opening fire on his men, the meltas bounced off Draigo’s shield or the ground and then (Having used ‘Like the wind’ rolled a 2 for their auto move, putting me about an inch short of the paladins flank which I’d wanted to assault and tie up since they’d not moved forward enough to let me in behind at the CNC objective and the special weapon team missed the dreadnought.
They got promptly slapped up by psycannons (Forgot their not marines and didn’t get enough cover... damn my mind being used to marines and vehicles!) and basically bar a few meltas were wiped out, the meltas at least hitting the dread next turn to slag it.

With my shooting not working I wanted to try assault and fired forward two blobs into the paladins after some more terrible melta fire... two turns later I had 1 blob about to be assaulted by the paladins along with the remains of my CCS and a PCS through a massive width multi assault. We called it there as all I had left had been two PCS’s on my CNC obj him contesting 1 obj, holding the other and controlling his own CNC obj.

I think that came out to 15-5 to him, (primary shared for 4 pts, he got secondary for 4 pts, and VP difference to him was prob about 7-1).

Not the best first game with me not being totally prepared with the stats of my models and what they can do just yet. But It’s onwards and upwards for the Solar 401st!

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