Monday, 31 October 2011

Practice games over the weekend Vs Codex marines

So on Saturday I went up to my local club in Lisburn (Lisburn Gaming Club) to play a few more practise games using the Arkham missions.

Nathan's learning competitive play with his codex marines using the following list roughly:

Librarian, null zone and avenger.
6x 5 man tatical squads in RL-Lascannon Razorbacks with Dozer Blade
3 Dakka predators (Autocannon turret, heavy bolter sponsons)
3 Rifleman Dreads (dual TL-Autocannon arms)

My list was the three blobs on in the previous post, but i dropped the extra Commissar in the outflanking blob and instead upgraded all the missile launchers to lascannons. And boy was I glad I did!
My new test list was as follows:

CCS: straken, Astropth, camo cloaks, regimental standard, 2 meltaguns, krak nades

Platoon 1:
PCS: 2 meltaguns
IS1: Meltagun, Lascannon, Sgt with MB & PW, commissar with PW
IS2: Meltagun, Lascannon, Sgt with MB & PW,
IS3: Meltagun, Lascannon, Sgt with MB & PW,
IS4: Meltagun, Lascannon, Sgt with MB & PW,

Platoon 2:
PCS: 2 meltaguns
IS1: Meltagun, Lascannon, Sgt with MB & PW, commissar with PW
IS2: Meltagun, Lascannon, Sgt with MB & PW,
IS3: Meltagun, Lascannon, Sgt with MB & PW,
IS4: Meltagun, Lascannon, Sgt with MB & PW,

Platoon 1:
PCS: Cpt Al’Rahem, 4 meltaguns
IS1: Meltagun, Sgt with MB & PW, commissar with PW
IS2: Meltagun, Sgt with MB & PW,
IS3: Meltagun, Sgt with MB & PW,
IS4: Meltagun, Sgt with MB & PW,
SWS1: 3 meltaguns

Game 1 was Pitched battle, primary was Capture and control, secondary was Kill points

Pictures were taken about turn 3.

The battlefield

My objective on top floor. Straken’s squad at bottom along with a PCS

The second blob guarding the other way to my objective

Nathan spent a few turns shooting, but learnt it wasn;t working so rushed forward to take my squads off the objective with close combat. Meanwhile my outflanking blob appeared on my left and worked its way to his CNC objective.

Once he got the razorbacks close though they got mobbed through assaults and eventually the squads wiped out.

Game ended with me winning primary, secondary and having a huge VP difference, think it came out 18-2

Game 2 was the same terrain but was Spearhead deployment, KP primary, CNC secondary. Was a semi repeat of first game but the outflanking power blob caused havoc ruining dreads predators and eventually moving close to his objective before being wiped out. Looking back we both agreed I should have walked another platoon forward to support them around turn 3, but I was still iffy about him taking my CNC obj.

Ended up slightly better for Nathan 16-4 to me, but both were good games and got us both some nice practise.

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