Monday, 20 February 2012

Lax update week, aka im off work and being busy (lazy).

Just a heads up i'm off work this week and sorting some stuff which has been put on hold for months as I just couldn't be bothered doing before. So instead of tactics i'll be dog proofing our garden, and instead of lists I'll be building a power hose.... Joy...

Arkham was a blast and while I didnt finish as high as I feel I could have it was 5 great games... reports for which will be up next week in my usual quick fashion.

As for the rest of this week I'll fire up some posts I had done for backup posting but it will be slacker than normal.

The upside...? Sitting in bed at 8am watching my puppy assaulting my wife as she hides under the covers before getting overexcited, jumping and flying off the edge of the bed.


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